Wydział Sztuki - Prof. Moonjung Kang z warsztatami UX design

Wydział Sztuki Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach

Prof. Moonjung Kang z warsztatami UX design

Prof. Moojung Kang jest gościnią naszego Wydziału w ramach wymiany Erasmus+ i reprezentuje partnerską jednostkę z West Liberty University (USA). Specjalizuje się w obszarze projektowania komunikacji wizualnej, a przede wszystkim UX design. W dn. 14.05-17.05.2024 prowadzi warsztaty właśnie z tego zakresu. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z programem zajęć.

Teaching programme:

Through immersive design thinking practices, students will engage in an experimental journey to comprehend the UX (User Experience) design process. By workshop end, students will gain hand-on experience and insiughts to ideate, prototype, and iterate solutions that prioritize user needs, enhacing overall user experience.

Key Learning Objectives:
Based on the content below, the workshop will be divided into three session, each  lasting 3 hours, 3 hours, and the remaining 2 hours, respectively. During these sessions, participants will engage in guided exercises focused on practicing design  thinking methods.

1st day: 14th of May, 08:00 am-10.45 am (studio no. 105)
2nd day: 15th of May, 12:00 pm-03:00 pm (studio no. 105)
3rd day: 17th of May, 12:00 pm-01.30 pm (studio no. 105)

1. Understand Design Thinking Fundamentals
2. Cultivate Empathy for Users
3. Define Problem Spaces and User Requirements
4. Ideate Creative Solutions
5. Prototype and Interate Solutions
6. Empasize User-Centric Design Principles.

Workshop Methodology: interactive discussions, hands-on activities, case studies, prototyping sessions, peer feedback sessions.

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